Patent-Pending “Profit Line”:
Thank You for All of Your Emails!
Hi, I’m Jessica Cohn, the Editorial Director for Banyan Hill Publishing.
I can tell by the sheer volume of emails we are receiving that Jeff Yastine’s Profit Line Summit is going to be an epic event.
Thousands of people are signing up to attend.
And our team is working around the clock to make sure the summit comes off without a hitch.
To help make sure our servers aren’t overloaded, I wanted to address one of the most pressing questions people are asking in emails.
“In order to have the chance to make fast money with this patent pending buy signal — the ‘profit line’ — do you have to trade options or use leverage of any kind?”
The answer is — no.
Perhaps one of the most incredible things about this profit line innovation is that it identifies stocks that could shoot up to 776%, 1,270% and even an extraordinary 2,297% in under a year.
Once the profit line appears in a chart — which you will see for the first time ever on Tuesday, October 22 — if you choose to invest…
All you do is buy ordinary shares of the stock.
It couldn’t be simpler.
Look at this small sampling of stocks from the back tests we conducted over the past 12 months…

If you had been able to follow the profit line and invest just $500 in each of these stocks…
You could’ve had the chance to close out for rare gains of 1,674% … 2,604% … 1,608% … and 1,713% all in the past 12 month.
Along with a whole host of high triple-digit gains … while the S&P jumped all over the place.
And you could’ve had the chance to walk away with an extra $106,000.
Up the investment to $5,000 … and you could be sitting on an extra $1 million.
And that’s all from simply buying regular old shares of stock.
Of course, no one can guarantee these types of gains…
But with this patent pending profit line … trading options or using other leverage is not necessary to potentially make 1,000% in under a year.
We can’t thank you enough for emailing us your general questions and showing such incredible interest in the Profit Line Summit, airing on October 22 at 1 p.m. EDT.
We also can’t wait to reveal everything to you.
For now, I hope this answers the most pressing question we’ve been seeing.
See you at the summit!

Jessica Cohn
Editorial Director, Banyan Hill Publishing